
Clara laying on the lawn with the novice, intermediate, advanced, and expert trick dog titles in front of her

Our First Expert Trick Dog

Show & Sports

Clara Becomes The First Tamaskan ETD
I couldn't be more proud of Clara. We thought it would be nice to work on some fun, low stress training and activities  - this was just the thing.

I’m so proud of my girl! Clara is now our first Expert Trick Dog. Yet again she is amazing me and thriving in an ever changing world with constant changes. Some of you may have noticed a few changes to Clara’s profile page. In August she earned all four of her trick titles with Do More With Your Dog!

She is the first Advanced and Expert Trick Dog in the Tamaskan breed as well and I’m so proud of her. The program was young when Clara was little and I kept putting off turning in the required documentation to have the titles issued even though I knew she could complete them. However, I wanted to finish them and so when I was pursuing my CDTI certification I decided I would not only complete her Novice and Intermediate titles (required for you to apply and test as an instructor) but I would also do the Advanced and Expert Trick Dog titles to prove to myself and others that she had the established training to receive these trick dog titles.

Clara laying on the lawn with the novice, intermediate, advanced, and expert trick dog titles in front of her

While you can recycle trick on the different levels you need to preform a total of 37 tricks and I didn’t want to use any duplicates, so we learned a couple new tricks to add to our established ones and we did all but one while she was in heat as a way to challenge her skills. I refused to take her to mush while she was in heat for her safety, but we did include that in her expert title. So on Aug. 25th we finished the last of the four and now (after a break and some rest) we will start working on completing her Champion Trick Dog title and her four CCF titles as well. I think that starting her off on the CCF(Canine Conditioning Fitness) work will be a nice, relaxing recovery workout for her that will keep her happy healthy, flexible, and in shape with minimal impact during her hopeful pregnancy.

Anyway ..... check it out, I’ve included videos of Clara completing all of her tricks for you to enjoy.
